Saturday, August 30, 2014

A Birthday Party for Lois: 5

Again, I don't recall this person's name.   But, I liked his smile and his beard!

As I was working on posts, my friend Oleg called and we chatted about my photography.  When Oleg talks, I usually listen.  He had some nice things to say about my "eye" for the portraits.  But, he had a single comment that finally made sense to me.   He points out that I still need to better control my lighting. 

I look at this photo and see a very happy, smiling, contented face.   Oleg sees that...and also the sunny glare on the top of the forehead. 

It is an excellent comment.  And, it is something I need to work on.  It is, however, a bit difficult when I don't have a studio and can't control the lighting.  In this case, however, I COULD have asked the gentleman to move into a shaded spot.

Thanks Oleg.  I really do appreciate watching you work and learning.   And, to the gentleman above, my sincere thanks!


  1. Shade would work, or asking him to move closer to a reflective surface like a wall of a house.

  2. Thanks Oleg! I really appreciate your help!
