Saturday, August 4, 2012

Bikers are People, too!

I had a chance to visit the Bearded Lady and Freaks Motorcycle show a few weeks ago.  These two gentlemen were the first photos I took that day.  They were just revving up to go for a ride.  So, I didn't get their names.   But, I liked the look. 

If my notes are correct (and sometimes the iPhone auto-corrects to something that isn't correct!), this is Michael.

And Frank.

Th guy below was walking around with a few friends.  What caught my attention first was his look.  It was very warm and I was thinking a black leather hat had to be uncomfortable!  Then I also noticed he was opening carrying a hand gun. This is perfectly legal in Minnesota.  So, I asked to take his photo.

Meet Mark!
I commented to him after I took the photo that I liked seeing him open carrying.  While legal, you don't see a lot of people doing it.  

My thanks to you all!

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