Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Son Tey POW Raid

Meet Bill Guenon!

Bill was the pilot of the lead C-130 Special Operations Aircraft during the Son Tey raid in North Vietnam.  An artists depiction of the raid is below.

The Son Tey raid took place in 1970.  US Intelligence had identified a POW camp (Son Tay) that was just outside of Hanoi.  This raid involved Bill flying the C-130 and leading the way for 6 helicopters at night, to the POW camp.  It was surrounded by air-defense weapon systems.  Unfortunately, the camp had been abandoned before the raid started.  

For years, the story of this raid has been told by those who weren't there.  Bill was the first to write about it when he authored his "Secret and Dangerous Night of the Son Tay POW Raid". 

If you are curious about this raid, check out http://sontayraid.com

Bill also has a competitive spirit.  He finished third in the 1969 Great Atlantic Air Race that started at the top of the Empire State Building in New York and ended at the top of London's Post Office Tower.  In short...you begin at the top of the Empire State Building and either run down the stairs or take the elevator.  Car, motorcycle, walk, run, train, helicopter, race car, etc to the airport.   Grab a plane (well..not just any plane..YOUR plane, of course), fly to London, land, car, motorcycle, walk, run, train, etc to the London Post Office.  And, up the stairs you go!  His time:  7 hrs, 39 minutes, and 42 seconds.  NOT BAD!   I don't think I can do it faster even now!

Thanks Bill!

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