At the end of a long week, the powers that be decided we needed to do a team bonding event. These can be tricky events. The safest is usually a dinner out.
But, this group was not going the safe route! It was a company sponsored wine and painting night. The last time I painted anything was a few years ago. And, it was a living room. I was.....filled with trepidation!
The lovely ladies below were the artist and her assistant. After all, when you have 20 neophytes with paint brushes and paints, you need an assistant! They were delightful, charming, and quite encouraging! I knew they were good at what they do for two reasons.
They came prepared. And, they even said I did well....without laughing too hard. Sure, there was the quiet snicker under their breath. But, what could I expect! I haven't done any artistic painting in 55 years!!

This was what the finished product was supposed to look like.
When you sat down, they had paint, in the approximately correct amounts, neatly arranged. They even gave me 4 brushes! And, none of them were very big. I thought I'd at least get a 4" wide brush. But, nope.
Did you know you can mix colors!!!
At the end. This was what my paint pallet looked like.
And, this was my finished painting. I gave it to my grandsons to motivate them toward the sciences and math.
To our two artists, my sincere thanks. I really did have a nice time. You were wonderfully helpful. And you didn't snicker too loudly while I was in the midst of my creative genius.