Sunday, December 24, 2023

2023 Christmas

 I normally post an image of a warm fire burning outside in the snow, low light conditions.   I always find it peaceful.  But today I am posting an image of my father, as a young boy, who passed away on Dec 23rd.  He nearly got to 96 yrs old.  

It was his time.   He was a good father.  He was a good man.  He was kind, gentle, compassionate, and giving.

The world could use more like him.

Rest in peace, Dad

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Alman's Annual Gun Show: Continued

 There are all kinds of fun and interesting people to chat with.

But, given there are a lot of firearms being fired, sometimes you need to shout to be heard with the hearing protection!

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Ahlman's Gun Show in Morristown, MN. A wonderful place

I ran into this young lady on my walk through the woods looking at different vendor and experiential events.   Experiential events are where you pay to shoot some various kinds of "hardware".  No worries, no living things were targets. 

I loved the larger glasses and the hair.