Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A Birthday Post: My Youngest Grandson is Three

Last Sunday my youngest grandchild, the Little J, turned three years old.  All in all, it was a good day for him.

And, the world is clearly safer with him watching over us.

He wouldn't go to sleep unless he could wear this super hero costume.  

Yesterday morning I had a cab pick me up at 4:50 AM to take me to the airport and a life away from this little man.   I was sitting in the dark in my daughter's living room, watching the minutes tick by until the cab arrived, and I heard a door open and little feet on the floor.

Little Spiderman was standing there....forlorn.   He managed to quietly say, "I can't find my DiDi (his blanklet). Can you help me find my Didi?"

I replied, "I sure can, Little Buddy."  I picked up a small flashlight I carry with me and walked over to him.  I held out my index finger of my right hand and said, "Take my paddy, Little Man."

He wrapped his hand around my finger and we walked into the bedroom, with the flashlight.

I saw the DiDi tucked into a corner of his bed.   And, I said, "There is it, Little Man.  Up you go."

He crawled into bed.  I covered him up.   And, I kissed the top of his head and asked, "Who loves you?"

He whispered, "Papa".

I responded, "That's right, Little Man.  Night Night."

I turned.....picked up my bag....and walked out of the house to the waiting cab.

Happy Birthday, Little Buddy. 


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