Saturday, November 30, 2013

A Wedding on the Beach: Bystanders

About the time I took yesterday's image, a large number of people gathered at the top of the stairs and began walking down to the beach. 

There was someone in dress blues.  There was a lovely bride in white.   There were beaming friends and relatives.

And, there were spectators.  We were all polite and kept a respectful distance.  I actually brought a longer lens to try some images from 200 yards away.  But, I didn't like them much.

While I was standing there shooting away, the young lady below asked if I was the wedding photographer.  I certainly wasn't.  But, she mentioned she LOVED photography and wanted to learn more about it.

So, I gave her, and her sister/cousin/friend (I am not sure of their connection) a brief lesson.

First, the common portraits!



And, then together.

The trick with photographing people together is to get their heads close...touching is OK!  Dead space between people's heads is very distracting.  And, that statement could be taken a couple of different ways!

My sincere thanks to the lovely ladies (and their parents) who let me take the images.

Good luck with your photographic career!

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